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A.S. Flagg Capt & A.Q.M.
& Supt of Dist &c

Portsmouth Decr 8th 1865

Through Capt. Charles E. Johnson Assist. Supt. I have received your return to the application for the surrender of the real estate or to the Banking House belonging to the Bank of Virginia located in this City. I feel assured, you do not fully understand the tenure of this property, otherwise you would not have required the performance of impossibilities; it therefore becomes necessary to examine each of your requirements, so as to show that impossibilities have been required. 
You state, the following papers should accompany the application 
1st "Copy of any papers showing that the Corporation was duly organized 
"and giving the names of men composing the Corporation and Schedule of 
"property showing the share of each" 

Permit me to write, the Bank of Virginia was incorporated by the Act of General Assembly of Virginia passed Jany 30th 1804, with a Capital of One Million and Five Hundred thousand Dollars to be divided into shares of $100.00/100 each; the subscribers to this Stock became a Corporation under the name and style of the "President, Directors & Company of the Bank of Virginia" (see Old Code Va ch. 39, page 60, also Code of 1819 Vol. 1st page 67) - various Acts of the General Assembly have been passed since, extending the charter, and increasing the capital Stock &c which it is not necessary to refer to. The mother Bank was established in Richmond, and a Branch thereof was established at this City by the Act of Assembly passed March 25th 1837 (See Session Acts of 1836-7, also Act of 1846, ch. 98, page 68.). I refer to these acts, merely for the purpose of showing, that the Corporation was duly organized; these