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This indenture made this 29th day of October 1855 between James Cox and Catharine his Wife of the one part, and Annie E. Wager of the other part; witnesseth that the said James Cox and Catharine his wife, for and in consideration of the sum of Fifteen Hundred Dollars, current money of the United States, unto them in hand paid by the said Annie E. Wager at or before the sealing & delivering of these presents.  The receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged, hath granted, sold, aliened, enfeoffed, released, and confirmed, unto the said Annie E. Wager her heirs and assigns, the western moiety of a certain lot of ground lying and being in the Town of Bolivar, Jefferson County, State of Virginia.  Which was conveyed to Mrs Eliza Mc Faden by Deed bearing date August 11th 1845, executed by Asoph Wilson & Nancy O. his Wife, which Deed is duly recorded in the Clerks Office of the County Court of Jefferson County, aforesaid.  Deed Book No 28, Page 188 &c. and to which a reference can be had for the boundaries of the whole lot.  This said lot of land being the same as conveyed to me by Mrs Eliza Mc Faden, to which reference can be had by refering to Deed Book No 35, Page 59.  The moiety of said lot hereby conveyed by the said James Cox to said Annie E. Wager is bounded as follows Viz:

Beginning at a stake A. at the corner of Mrs Spanglers lot on Washington Street, and running thence on Washington Street, a distance of one hundred and two feet to a point B, where it intersects Mrs Mc Fadens lot; thence following the division line, which seperates the lot reserved by the said Mrs Mc Faden to the rear, boundary of the said lot at C.  thence with said rear line One hundred & six feet; to a point D.

The North eastern boundary of Mrs Spangles lot; Thence from said point D. with Mrs Spanglers line, to the beginning at A. on Washington Street. together with all and singular, the rights improvements hereditaments and appurtenances, whatsoever thereunto belonging and the reversion, and -