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remainders, rents, issues and profits thereof, to have and to hold all and irregular. The premises, with the appurtenances hereby granted unto the said Mrs Annie E. Wager, her heirs, & assigns. To The only proper use and behoof of The said Mrs Annie E. Wager, her heirs and assigns forever, and The said  James Cox and Catherine his wife. Covenant for themselves and their heirs that they are seiged of good and indefeasible estate of fee simple in the premises, and that they have good right to convey the same to The said Mrs Annie E. Wager in manner aforesaid. And lastly, That The said James Cox and Catherine his Wife and their heirs, all and singular  The premises hereby granted, with their appurtenances, unto the said Mrs Annie E. Wager, her heirs and assigns, against The said James Cox and Catherine his wife, and their heirs, and all and every other person, shall warrant and forever defend by these presents, In testimony whereof, the said parties to these presents, have hereunto set their hands and seals, this day and year first above written.

James Coix {seal}
Catherine Cox {Seal}

Transcription Notes:
author of this letter seems to write all their t's as capitals - should we preserve original case, or assume sentence case for words that don't start a sentence?