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at which time he received in commission as Assistant Surgeon of 13th North Carolina Regiment & Infantry. He was again promoted to the Surgery of 46th Va Reg Infantry during the winter of 1865. He remained in that position until the surrender of Genl. R.E. Lee, at Appomattox C.H. April 9th 1865. He then returned to the City of Norfolk as a paroled prisoner. He took the oath of allegiance May 4th 1865, in conformity with the proclamation issued by President A. Lincoln, and commenced the practice of medicine in the city of Norfolk. He again took the oath of Allegiance August 23rd 1865 according to the proclamation of his excellency President A. Johnson. A certified copy of this oath is enclosed. The petitioners case does not come under any of the exceptions in President Johnson's proclamation, except that his property has been libelled. He therefore respectfully ask for an order from you for the restoration of said property.
F.A. Walke