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had always done when leaving home before two Managers or Agents one of whom, Mr. Robt. Wilkins, had been living with him in same capacity for some twenty five or thirty years, & the other Mr. Charles Bloxton, the Son of Robert Bloxton, who had been in his employment as Agent or Manager for Some Eighteen or twenty years. Both of these were well known & accredited Agents, and were, and had always been Empowered to transact any business connected with the Estate of Dr. Waller, as though & to the same Extent as if he were present in his proper person. Wilkins continued to reside on a portion of this Estate, known as Semples, until a short time before the Battle of Williamsburg, at which time he removed to another portion of the same Estate known as Beals. He was obliged to make this move because the fencing on those tracts, known as Town Quarter & Semples, had been destroyed by the retreating Forces of Gen. J. E. Johnston, and the Horses, Cattle, Hogs & Sheep could not otherwise be Secured. He left the Laborers, or a portion of them, upon these places to protect and preserve the same as well as they could; & practised a Supervision of the whole Estate, as he always had done, he being Chief Manager of Dr. Wallers Estate. This Estate is one continuous body of Land, a Small Creek running through it, and separating the part known as Beals from that known as Town-Quarter & Semples. Mr. Wilkins continued to reside at Beals, exercising a Supervision & Control of the whole Estate until the month of December 1865, he was then forced by the Officer Com'd'g Federal Forces at Williamsburg to leave Beals, & come within the "Lines," the Federal Picketts being posted along the small creek, above spoken of Wilkins would now have returned to place known as Semples, but not a vestige of that or any other house of any description remained on either Town-Quarter or Semples, the Enclosures were destroyed, and the laborers were all free  He settled in Williamsburg, and continued to exercise Such Supervision and control over the Estate as he could, such as selling of a Small portion of Cattle &c. &c. and providing, where able, both white and colored persons to live on & protect the same. Dr. Waller left upon the Estate when he left home, in charge of Wilkins, a supply of provisions for laborers Horses &c. utensils, Horses Cattle and everything necessary 

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last word completed to avoid truncation per SI guidance ---------- Reopened for Editing 2024-04-17 14:21:25