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To Colonel O. Brown, Assistant. Commissioner of the Bureau of Freedmen and Abandoned lands, for the State of Virginia. 

The Petition of Mathias Ward respectfully represents as follows:

1. The said Mathias Ward is the owner in fee simple of of the lot of land (composed of two contiguous lots of land, on one of which is erected a wooden building wherein he now resides) situated on the East Side of Church Street, in the City of Norfolk and State of Virginia, designated as Nos 234 and 236 Church Street - which said property was conveyed to him by Wm. H.C. Ellis, special Commissioner, as will more fully appear by reference to a duly certified copy of the Deed for the name, dated the 10th day of January, A.D. 1859, herewith filed and marked (A.)  

2. On the 17th day of February, A.D. 1864, a Decree was obtained by the Government of the United States, upon a Libel filed against said Mathias Ward, your petitioner, for the Confiscation and Sale of the said property; it was never sold; but, afterwards, to wit: in the year A.D. 1865, it was transferred to the Bureau aforesaid under whose control it now is; and your petitioner is now is the occupancy of said property as Tenant of said Bureau. 

3. On the 28th Day of August A.D. 1865, Your petitioner, in the City of Norfolk aforesaid, duly acknowledged his allegiance to the United States Government, before