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Simon S. Stubbs, a notary Public for said City, who administered to your said Petitioner the Oath of Allegiance prescribed in the Amnesty Proclamation of President Johnson, dated May 29. 1865, a Copy of which said Oath of Allegiance, duly certified, is henceforth filed, Marked (B.)_

4. Your Petitioner is not included in any one of the exceptions specified in said Amnesty Proclamation of President Andrew Johnson, (except that his said property was decreed to be sold as confiscated property): and he is fully entitled to the benefit of the said Amnesty Proclamation of President Johnson dated May 29. 1865 as aforesaid: and he is not at all deprived, in any manner, of the benefit of said Proclamation. Your petitioner is not now, and never, at any time, was worth the sum of $5000: no/100.

5. On the 4th Day of November A.D. 1865, on the Motion of Hon. L.H. Chandler, U.S. District Attorney for the District of Virginia, made in the District Court of the United States for the District of Virginia aforesaid, it was Ordered by the Court that the libel and all proceedings in the United States &c. the said property of your Petitioner, should be dismissed upon the payment of Costs of said proceedings: as will more fully appear by reference to a duly Certified Copy of said Order, marked (C) and herewith filed.