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This deed made this 10th day of January in the year one thousand eight hundred and fifty nine between William, H.C. Ellis of the one part and Mathias Ward of the other part: Whereas on the 20th day of November in the year Eighteen hundred and fifty seven it was decreed and ordered by the Circuit Court of the City of Norfolk in a certain cause, Then depending on the Chancery side of said Court between Talbot C. Watson, Mary E. Watson and Roberta Watson infants by Wm G. Dunbar their next friend complainants and Mathias, Ward and Tammy E. Ward his wife Defendants that the said William H.C. Ellis commissioner appointed by said Court, should at public Auction, upon the terms prescribed in said decree make sale of a certain lot or piece of land lying and being in the City of Norfolk situate on Church Street and designated by the numbers 234, & 236, having advertised the time place and terms of sale in the manner directed by said decree and on receiving the whole of the said purchase money that the said William, H.C. Ellis Commissioner as aforesaid should convey the said lot of piece of land to the purchases by propers Deed of Bargain and Sale And whereas the said William H. C. Ellis Commissioner as aforesaid in pursuance of the said decree did on the 26th day of December eighteen hundred and fifty seven on the premises offer for sale at public auction the herein after described lot or piece of land being the same lot or piece of land mentioned in the complainants bill, having advertised the time terms and place of Sale as by said decree directed, at which sale the said lot or piece of land was Struck of to the said Mathias Ward for the sum of Eight hundred dollars that being the highest bid for the same And whereas the whole of the purchase money has been paid according to said decretal Order. Now this indenture Witnesseth that the said William, H.C. Ellis Commissioner as aforesaid to carry into effect the said sale as aforesaid made in pursuance of said discretal order, in consideration of the premises and of the said sum of Eight hundred dollars to him in hand paid by the said Mathias Ward agreeably. To the terms of the said decretal Order, which he the said William. H. C. Ellis Commissioner doth here by acknowledge, hath given granted, bargained and sold unto the said Mathias Ward with special warranty the lot or piece of land lying and being in the City of Norfolk on the east side of Church Street