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I do certify that she is well known to me as a highly respectable [[strikethrough]] lady and that in my opinion her sentiments are entitled to full faith and credit,
Given under my hand this 27 of Nov 1865 - 
Char K Mallory
Notary Public

I Charles K Mallory a notary public in and for the county of Elizabeth City in the state of Virginia, do hereby certify that I have been a practicing lawyer in the county aforesaid issue the summons of 1845. That I have been familiar with its titles to most of the lands in the said County, for some fifteen years. That I had occasion to examine the title of Mrs Cather Watts to the land mentioned in her petition hereto appended, some Eight or nine years ago, and known the facts stated in her petition to be correct,
Given under my hand this 27 of Nov 1865
Charles K Mallory
Notary Public