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Virginia:  City of Portsmouth to wit:

I Dempsey Nash Clerk of the Court of Hastings for the City of Portsmouth, State of Virginia, do certify that from the records in said Court, a certain lot, piece or parcel of land with the appurtenances thereon, situate and being in that part of Portsmouth called Gosport and described as follows "Lot No. 4 on the plan of the of the Gosport lots, [[strikethrough]] by said Commissioner with report of [[/strikethrough]] on Fourth Street adjoining No. 3 on the South extending thirty feet three inches on said street and running back by lines parallel with Henry Street one hundred and twenty feet is the property of Wm. H. West

In testimony whereof I have hereto set my hand and affixed the seal of the said Court this 8th day of December 1865

Dempsey Nash

[[round seal]] [[illegible]] [[/round seal]]