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see LB 1 Vol 262 √

Letter Book 2 Vol [[strikethrough]] 107 X [[/strikethrough]] 

Letter book 22 [[strikethrough]] 575 X [[/strikethrough]]

see LB 3 Vol [[strikethrough]] 463 X 509 & 522 X *see LRB W.277 1865 X [[/strikethrough]]

see LB 3 Vol [[strikethrough]] 510 X [[/strikethrough]]

Dec 19th see LB 3 Vol [[strikethrough]] 228 X see LRB W53. X [[/strikethrough]]

Jan 4 - see LB 3 Vol [[strikethrough]] 317 X vols [[/strikethrough]]

see LB 3 Vol [[strikethrough]] 712 X [[/strikethrough]]

see LRB 2. Vol. W14X - & EB 236 3 Vol 1865

Letters referring to S.C. White 

6) Account for rent 1865 & 1866. 
Letter of Mch 18th 1866. see LRB - W342 X

see EB 1st vol/66 Folio 321
recd Back Apl 1 & filed W.342

7) April 17 1866. LRB W405 X
(wishes to know if his a/c has been acted upon) 
retd to Mr White see end Bk 2 Vol 1866 Folio 83. 

1) (Application for property) 
Letter of June 26th 1865 √ 
Endorsemt Bk No 1 - 1865 - 9th 42
Endorsemt Bk No 2 1865 - 567
Papers on filed - under SO No 80 par 5

2) Letter of 
November 16/65 √ 
(Asks for proceeds of his farm for 1865 &c &c) 
Endorsemt Bk 3 Vol/65 - 118 & 167

Given to Mr White Nov 27/65

3) recd & Decr 22 1865 see LR Book W.62. X
Bill of 70 93/100 for rent of his farm 
see EB - 3 Vol 1865. 279 & 1st Vol 1866 Folio 3- 

Refd Jan 6th to Maj F Tukey for [[strikethrough]] inspection [[/strikethrough]] investigation & report 
(Never returned) 

4) Letter of Jan 12, 1866 - see LRB. W142. 
(Asks if he can take immediate possession of his place) X
See E.B. 1st Vol/66- Folio 98. 
(see Col Mallory report on File.) 
retd to Mr White

5) Endorsement of Oath of Pres Lincoln X
March 5th 1866 - 
see EB 1st Vol 1866 - 243. Filed under W342