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[[left margin]] See L.B. Sept 14, 65 [[/left margin]]

Should you require any fuller specifications you will please apprise me and what is further necessary to comply with said order as issued by the Commiss'r of Freedmen & sanctioned by the President to which no doubt you are for [[word torn out]] as my application is on file in your office 

On the receipt of this please inform me all that is necessary to do to comply with said order if any further is necessary as I am now quite destitute with a large family looking up to me for support. 

I never did Voluntarily abandon my Farm but had to leave when my farm was occupied by the troops of Genl McCeland and again on which a Fort was constructed and my very yard taken for a slaughter pen for cattle to feed the army. So I hope you will not consider my farm a voluntarily abandoned. Very Respectfully your

Saml C White

please write me and give me your view on the subject

[[note]] Find his papers 
write him what 
is necessary to procure 
his property [[/note]]

Transcription Notes:
Some words are torn away at the right margin