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This Indenture made this the 21st day of November in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and thirty-four between Geo. F. Outten and Ann his wife of the County of Norfolk and state of Virginia of the one part and N.P. Wilkinson of the other part  Witnesseth that the said Geo. F. Outten and Ann his wife for and in consideration of the sum of three thousand dollars to them in hand paid by the said N.P. Wilkinson at and before the ensealing and delivery of these presents the receipt whereof they do hereby acknowledge Have bargained and sold and by these presents do grant bargain and sell unto the said N.P. Wilkinson his heirs and assigns forever a certain piece or parcel of land in Portsmouth Parish and bounded as follows Beginning at a stone in the line of John Thompsons on the north side of a road leading from the lands of the said Thompson to Pinners Point, thence north 45° East along a ditch on said road 15 chains 30 links to a small pine standing on the south side of another ditch, thence South 80° east along the said ditch 35 chains 84 links to a black Gum standing near the head of Ramseys Cove thence down the middle of said Cove to Elizabeth River thence northeast and westward along the said River to Fishing Creek which divides this land from that of John Thompsons formerly the Gleaves thence up the middle of said Creek to a black gum standing near the head thence along a line of marked trees nearly south to the place of beginning it being the northern part of a tract commonly called Pinner Point purchased by said Outten from Wm Benthall and Mariam his wife as will appear by their deed dated 1st Jany 1834 and duly recorded in the Court of Norfolk County. To have and to