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Norfolk Va.
Aug. 8. 1865

Lieutenant John H. Keatley
A.A.Q.M. and Asst. Supt. Freedmen, Norfolk.

I respectfully request that you will approve and forward the following Petition for the possession of my property, in Norfolk, consisting of two brick houses, & lots, Nos. "40", and "34" West side of Bank street, which, you tell me, were erroneously registered there as the property of William Wilson, who, as you know, makes no claim thereto: indeed, he never had or claimed any interest therein or connection therewith. The houses are mine alone. Wm. Wilson is but a distant relative of my father, from whom I derived these houses. They are duly assessed to me on the books of the City of Norfolk. By a clerical error, they were marked on your books "Wm. Wilson." My name was Georgiana Wilson. 

1. It is not even charged against me that I committed any Act of disloyalty to the Government of the United States - beyond remaining in the Southern States, "within the Confederate lines", whither I went with my husband Wm A. Wayne (now deceased) of Georgia, a permanent & incurable Invalid Officer of the United States Navy (having been disabled in that service before the late troubles of the Country) to nurse & attend him in his last sickness. But I left Norfolk before the evacuation of that City by Gen. Hayes, and for the purpose of nursing my husband who died in Warrenton N.C the 4th day of August 1863, being then an [[strikethrough]] [[?]] [[/strikethrough]] Invalid officer in the Confederate Navy, and a Georgian; never in the war. While in the Confederate lines, I also nursed quite a a number of sick and wounded Confederate soldiers - but my purpose, in so doing, was not to participate in the war. I am fully entitled to the benefit of the Amnesty Proclamation of May 29. 1865,