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State of Virginia; County of Norfolk to wit:

I, LeRoy. G. Edwards, Clerk of the County Court of Norfolk County. State of Virginia aforesaid, do hereby certify that it appears from the records of said Court, that a certain lot piece or parcel of land situate in the town of Portsmouth. on the East side of Court Street beginning at the lot of Charly Myers and running north to the lot of Zachariah Owens, thence East to the lot of Mrs Poole, thence, thence south along Mrs Pooles lot to the line of said Myers, thence west along Myers line to the beginning, is the property of David Williams.

In testimony whereof I have hereto set my name and affixed the seal of the said Court, this 30th day of September 1865 in the 90th year of the Commonwealth,

LeRoy G. Edwards

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