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Portsmouth Va
Sept 28th 1865.
Capt Johnson
Ass: Comr. Freedman &c.

The petition of Wm. H. Wilson, of the City of Portsmouth & State of Virginia, respectfully represents, that he is the owner, in fee simple, of various Houses & lots, now in the possession of your Bureau, as will more fully appear by reference to certificate of clerk of Court of City of Portsmouth, herewith filed as part of this petition. That in the day of 1865, your petitioner took & subscribed the amnesty oath prescribed by the President of the U. States in 26th 1865 by copy of said oath herewith filed. That he is not within any of the exceptions set forth in said proclamation. And that the U. States has not acquired any title to said property by confiscation or otherwise, and that no proceedings by way of libel have ever been instituted against said property, as certificate of clerk of the U. States Federal Court for dist. of Virginia will show, which is herewith filed as part of this petition.

In consideration of the foregoing facts, your petitioner respectfully asks that said property may be restored to him that such other & further orders be made in his case as may seem proper &c.
Very reply &c
Wm. H. Wilson