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Col. Orlando Brown,
[Attention] Freedmen's Bureau.
Richmond, Va. 
Your petitioner
respectfully showeth,
That on the 7th day of November 1861, Mrs Sarah U Winder left home in Northampton - County Eastern Shore Virginia, for a temporary residence in the State of North Carolina; sometime after her departure time, her house and lot in [Eastuillo] and in the east County, containing eight-acres, were occupied by the troops of the U.S; and continues to be so occupied. That the property aforementioned is now, as your petitioner understands in the custody of the Bureau of Freedmen. - That your petitioner has never taken any hand what[so]ever in the rebellion, and left home at the time afore mentioned, leaving her property in the hands of our agreed; from no point hitherto considerations what[so]ever, but by review of circumstance, states beyond her control. 
That your petitioner very shortly after leaving home was very desirous of returning to her residence on the Eastern Shore of Va. and made every effort to do so, and finally succeeded in accomplishing her purpose during the first week in March last past. That your petitioner has cheerfully complied with the requirements of the President's proclamation, and taken the oath of amnesty. In view of these facts, therefore, as well as in consideration of the fact that she has as yet received no compensation for the use of her property aforesaid, and by reasons of her moderate means, needs the use of the property for her comfortable support and living - your petitioner respectfully asks that the House and lot aforesaid may be returned and restored to her [ ].
William G Riley her