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Eastville Northampton County Virginia Sept 24th 1865

Gen. OO Howard
Washington DC

Dear Sir
Your petitioner Mrs Sarah U Winder desires to call your attention to the following facts, Viz, that Nathaniel J Winder departed this life in the year 1845, leaving four children, Mrs George Kert, Mrs Howard, Dr William J Winder, who died in 1858; and RB Winder a prisoner in Washington Dr Geo Kert and wife have always been loyal to the Government. Mr Howard the husband of Mary was in the Rebel Service, but before their marriage they entered into a marriage contract, settling on her, her property, for her sole use and benefit and striping him of all control of same; but since his return, has complied with the Presidents Amnesty proclamation, you will see that Mr Howard can [[strikethrough]] not [[/strikethrough]] have no interest in his wifes estate; and a restoration to her would not be a restoration to him according to every principal of law; Mrs Sarah U Winder is a Judgement creditor of R.B. Winder having lent him the sum of $2500.00 in 1856, and sued out an attachment and attained a judgement she becomes a Lien creditor, and asks that his, RB Winders interest be restored to her as a Lien creditor, and Loyal Lady. 

Your petitioner respectfully showeth that on the 7th day of November 1861, left her home on the Eastern Shore of Va for a temporary residence in the State of N.C. Sometime after her departure, her house and lot in Eastville were occupied by the troops of the U.S. and continued to be so occupied untill the spring of 1865, the same contains Eight acres. That the property aforesaid is in the hands of Freedmens Bureau - That your petitioner has never taken any part in the Rebelion, and left home at the time above mentioned leaving her property in the hands of an agent. That your petitioner very shortly after leaving home was very desirous of returning to her residence on the E.S. and made every effort to do so, and finally succeeded in  

Transcription Notes:
"A lien creditor is a creditor with a security interest in the debtor's property to support the creditor's claim." (