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I Alice Dawley of the Borough of Norfolk and State of Virginia being of sound and desposing mind do make and publish this my last will and testament hereby revoking and declaring void all and every will and paper purporting to be a will by me heretofore made. I devise to my daughter Alice A. Dameron during her life one half of lot no _ on Free-Mason Street (in the whole of which land have a fee simple under the will of John Dick) beginning from a line drawn equidistant between the wooden house occupied by Oney Sophorous Dameron and the brick house occupied by myself and being the half on which the wooden house is situated; and at the death of the Alice A. Dameron I give the same half to her daughter Alice A Dameron for life and in fee simple if she die leaving lawful issue in case she dies without lawful issue, I give the same to my grandson Stephen W. Dawley the other half of said lot No_ on Free-Mason Street on which the brick house occupied by myself is situated to him and his heirs forever. 

I give and bequeath to my grandson Oney Sophorous Dameron Jr. my slave Harriet, to my granddaughter Alice A. Dameron my slaves Catherine and Susan and their future increase; to my grand-son William H. Dameron my slave Rosetta and her future increase, to my grand-son Herbert Dameron my slave Sarah and her future increase; and to my grand-son Robert B Dameron my slave Alexander. The increase of slave Harriet above named hereafter to be born during my lifetime I give to be equally divided among my grandchildren Oney Sophorous Dameron for James D. Dameron and John F. Dameron. All the rest and residue of my estate of whatsoever kind and real personal or mixed which I now possess or am entitled to and all property                           

Transcription Notes:
---------- Reopened for Editing 2024-04-19 00:20:48 If you dont know words pls put [[?]]]. Please read the guidelines for transcribing on this site. This requires a close review as it had a number of parts missing from sentences. ---------- Reopened for Editing 2024-04-19 09:05:56 there were some ... (above transcriber mentions this erroneous transcribing) left, and some misspellings. ---------- Reopened for Editing 2024-04-19 09:48:05