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Warwick County
Oct. 4th 1865

To Col. O.Brown
Supt. Freedmen &c. Richmond. Va.

I beg most respectfully to submit for your consideration the following facts.

At the advance of the Federal army upon the Peninsula in the Spring of 1862. My house and residence being situated directly in front of the Rebel fortifications, and immediately between the Batteries of the conflicting armies, I was ordered to abandon the same, which was immediately burnt by the order of Gen'l Magruder. After the execution of the order of the Gen'l commanding, for the personal safety of myself and family, I removed to the adjoining County of James City, where I remained with my family during the continuance of the war. Having a very short notice of my being removed, all my stock such as cattle hogs and sheep together with a large portion of my farming utensils, household and kitchen furniture were left behind. A small portion of my stock farming utensils, household & kitchen furniture is in the possession of Freedmen & white persons in the vicinity & in the Counties of York & James City. I am Fifty one years of age and I have never given aid or comfort to the Rebellion in any shape or form. I now most respectfully request in consideration of the above factor, that the above property may be restored to me in accordance with the order emanating from the Bureau at Washington restoring property which has not been sold or confiscated to its rightful owners H. H. Wynne