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To Col: Brown, Commissioner of the Freedmen's &c, Bureau of Virginia.

Your petitioner R.C. Wynne, having taken the oath prescribed by President Johnson's proclamation of the 29th May 1865, (see copy filed marked A), and being a true and loyal citizen of the United States begs leave to submit the following petition.

That he is the owner in fee of a tract of land called "Poplar Hall", situate in James City County Virginia, containing 442 acres, and bounded as follows, on the North by the land of Geo. W. Blow, south by Martin Hundred main road, and said Blow's land, East by said Blow's land and Thos G. Wynn's, and west by the land of Wm. B. Wynne, as appears fully by the certificate of the clerk of said county herewith filed, marked B. That in the spring of 1862, he was forced to leave and give up his said farm, in consequence of its being in the very track of the then retreating and advancing armies, and located with his family near Danville Virginia, where he now resides as a tenant by the year, and will have to give up said tenement at the end of the present year. As soon as he was afforded the opportunity, to wit: