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L.R.S.135. 2d.V.66.

[[left margin]] Lacy R. S.
Capt A Q M &c [[/left margin]]       

Office Supt R F & A L
Lynchburg Va May 28th/66

Respty forwarded to Bvt Brig Gent O. Brown.
Rations have been forwarded Lt Shaum for use of this destitute family. Cost of maintenance beyond that will be forwarded for consideration. But since the county authorities will not provide for their destitute freedpeople. repetitions of such instances of poverty as this will require general instructions from the Asst Comnr [[Commissioner]] how to act towards them.
Sg'd R. S. Lacy Capt A Q M
& Supt
Bureau R F & A L
H'd Qrs Asst Com'r Va
Richmond Va May 30/66

Respty returned to Capt R. S. Lacy A Q M & Supt
Instructions in regard to caring for destitute freedmen are so clear that the Asst Comr is surprised at Capt Lacy's ignorance of them.
Attention is invited to Genl Order No.20. Series 1865 from this office.
By order of Maj Genl A. H. Terry Asst Comr
James A. Bates
Bvt Lt Col & A A A G

L.R.J.189. 2.v.66

[[left margin] James W L
Bt Brg Genl &c

151/ [[/left margin]

Rec'd Back May 30/66  
Bureau R F & A L
Office Supt 10th Va Dist
Fredericksburg Va May 29/66

Respty returned to Bvt Brig Genl Wm. L. James Chief Q.M., Dept of Va. through Head Qrs Asst Com'r Bu R.F. & A.L. Ste of Va. with the information that a liberal reward was offered for the recovery of the within horse, and that two men were employed by the Asst Supt to search for him.
Notice was also given to all of the Asst Supts of the adjoining Sub Districts with a description of the horse.
Sg'd James Johnson
Maj & Supt
Bureau R F & A L
H'd Qrs Asst Comm Va
Richmond Va May 31st/66

Respty returned to Bvt Brig Genl W L James Chf


Qr Mr. Dept of Va. inviting attention to Endorsement Maj. James Johnson Supt.
By order of Maj Genl A.H. Terry  Asst Com
James A Bates
Bvt Lt Col & A A A G 

[[left margin]] Johnson James
Maj & Supt [[/left margin]]

Qr M'r Dept of Va. inviting attention to endorsement of Maj James Johnson Supt.
By Order of Maj Genl A. H. Terry Asst Com
James A Bates
Bvt Lt Col & A A A G

L.R.J.196. 2.v.66

[[left Margin]] Crandon T.F.P 
Bt Maj & A Q M &c

/214 [[left Margin]]

Bureau R F & A L
H'd Qrs Asst Comr Va
Richmond Va May 31st/66

Respty referred to Bvt Maj T.F.P Crandon A Q M & Supt for investigation and report, and he will endeavor to collect whatever is due this man Johnson.
By order of Maj Genl A H Terry Asst Comr
James A. Bates
Bvt Lt Col & A A A G

L.R.M.332. 2.V.66
[[left margin]] Merrell H.S.
Supt &c [[/left margin]]

Bureau R F & A L
Office Supt 3rd Dist Va
Richmond Va May 30/66

Respectfully forwarded to Bvt Brg Genl. O.Brown
with the information that in this as in all similar cases I have declined the issue of rations without orders, as I do not consider them Loyal Refugees.
This woman is a native of the State, and is entitled to assistance. should receive it from the civil authorities. 
Sg'd H.S. Merrell
Supt 3d Dist Va

Bureau R F & A L
H'd Qrs Asst Com'r Va
Richmond Va May 31st/66

Respty returned to Mr H.S. Merrell Supt.
The question to answered are.
1st  Is she destitute and will she suffer unless assistance is afforded her?
2nd  If destitute will the city authorities afford relief, if so in what manner?
3rd  Is it true as this woman reports, that the families of Confederate Soldiers receive assistance from the City Govt, while others in the same condition do not receive any?
By order of Maj Genl A H Terry Asst Com'r
James A Bates
Bvt Lt Col & A A A G

Rec'd Back June 5th/66 & filed

Transcription Notes:
Bureau R F & A L - There are spaces between them, except when seen with a period after each letter. R.F. & A.L. Bureau Refugees, Freedmen & Abandoned Lands. Head Quarters - H'd Qrs ---------- Reopened for Editing 2024-04-19 09:25:15 left align text removed line demarcations PLEASE READ INSTRUCTIONS BEFORE TRANSCRIBING. ---------- Reopened for Editing 2024-04-23 23:16:35