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of the account, and the acct made of on proper blanks, enclosed. In order that they may become proper vouchers, these accounts should be certified to by the officer under whose direction the services were rendered and to whom the articles were furnished.
Sg'd  Wm. P. Austin
Capt. A.A.Q.M. & Supt &c.

Bureau R F & A L 
H'd Qrs Asst Comr Dept Va
Richmond Va July 18/66

Respectfully referred to Bvt Maj Geo. Q. White Chf Q.M. & F.A. Bureau of R F & A L Va who will pay this account from the civil fund.
By order of Maj Genl A H  Terry Asst Com'r
James A Bates
A.A.A. Genl

L.R.A.309. 3d.V.66.

Armstrong S.C.

Bureau R F & A L 
H'd Qrs Asst Com'r Dept Va. 
Richmond Va. July 18/66

Respectfully returned to Genl S.C. Armstrong Supt 5th Dist Va. for the names of the within for whom transportation is desired. A separate application will be made for those who go out of the state.
By order of Maj Genl A H Terry Asst Com'r
James A Bates
A.A.A. Genl

L.R.Y.5. 3d.V.66.

War Dept Bureau &c

Norton D.M. 

Bureau R F & A L 
H'd Qrs Asst Com'r Dept Va 
Richmond Va July 18/66

Respectfully returned to Maj Genl O.O. Howard, Commissioner &c. The petitioners mistake the reason why the Asst Com'r objected to Mr D.M. Norton serving on the court, as will be seen by the following copy of an endorsement on their petition of April 27/66.
"Respectfully returned to the signers of the within petition thro Lt Massey Asst Supt, York Co. Va.
"The reason for the action on the claim of Mr. Norton to act as judge of the Freedmen's Court of York Co. was that a judge should represent the white citizens as well as the Freedmen, and when it was ascertained that no white man would


act with Mr Norton. it was deemed advisable that the Freedmen should elect an other man or that the court should organize as elsewhere.
The probability that from the admission of negro testimony in civil courts and other reasons the Freedmens Courts will soon be discontinued is another reason for not acting on the petition.
Enclosed please find the order under which the court is at present organized.
Sg'd Alfred H Terry
Maj Genl & Asst Com'r
James A Bates
A A A Genl

L.R.A.307. 3d.V.66.

S.C. Armstrong, Supt

Smith, Pinky

Bureau R F & A L
H'd Qrs Asst Com'r Dept Va. 
Richmond Va July 18/66

Respectfully returned to Genl S.C. Armstrong Supt 5th Dist Va. The within application is returned as the Maj Genl Com'r has refused to furnish transportation to any more freedmen to Washington, stating that there are more there now than can find employment. State whether Pinky Smith is to be returned to her home.
By order of Maj Genl A H Terry Asst Com'r
James A Bates
A.A.A. Gen'l

L.R.J.235. 3d.V.66.
Johnson James
Maj & Supt

Bureau R F & A L 
Office Supt 6th Dist Va
Fredericksburg July 14/66

Respectfully forwarded to Bvt Brig Genl. O. Brown for his information, and for instructions in this and similar cases. There are many applications made for rations in the District by those who have fair prospects for a crop, but destitute of food at present, yet do not strictly come under the head of indigent, are they entitled to rations.
Sg'd James Johnson
Maj V.R.C. Supt

Bureau R F & A L 
H'd Qrs Asst Com'r Dept Va. 
Richmond Va July 18/66

Respectfully returned to Maj James Johnson Supt 6th Dist Va. Rations will be furnished these persons, accounts being kept and they

Transcription Notes:
Edited - I reopened. There were probably 50 periods added in the transcription which were not in the text. I know it would be correct to have them there if we wanted it to be correct, but these letters didn't always include periods in all abbreviations or where you would think they should go. Took them out. Rearranged a few things. Added "3d.V.66." to some. Changed to what is written - "H'd Qrs", not Hd. Qrs. ---------- Reopened for Editing 2024-04-27 22:54:21 ---------- Reopened for Editing 2024-04-28 08:32:31 ---------- Reopened for Editing 2024-04-28 21:31:56