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Bureau RF + aL
H'd Qrs Asst Com'r Va
Richmond Va Aug 22/66
[[margin]]Chase W.S.
Lt + Asst Supt[[/margin]]
Respectfully returned to Maj Gnrl O.O.Howard Commissioner inviting attention to report of Lt W.S.Chase Asst Supt.
Sg'd J.M.Schofield
MajGnrl + Asst Com'r.

Garrick Mallem
Lt Col V.R.C. + Inspector
The first endorsement was not recorded in this Book

L.R.C. 508.3.V 66
Armstrong S.C. 
Bureau Refugees Freedmen &c
H'd Qrs Asst Commr Sta Va
Richmond Va Aug 22 1866
Respectfully returned to General S.C. Armstrong Supt 5th Dist.  The officers of the Bureau cannot aid the Sheriff in the character of tax gatherers and it is supposed that the law of the state provides sufficient means for its non-execution.  The officers of the Bureau will however exert their influence in favor of the payment of lawful taxes and will only object to the taxation of such as are either non supported by the Bureau or should be exempted according to the state law and practice as aged infirm & c.
By order of Maj Gen'l J.M Schofield Asst Commr
Garrick Mallery
Lt Col V.R.C.& Inspector

L.R.M. 5.01.3.V.66
Bureau Refugees Freedmen &c
H'd Qrs Asst Commr Sta of Va
Richmond Va Aug 22/66

Morse W.R
Bvt Maj & Supt
Respectfully returned to Bvt Maj WR Morse Supt 4th Dist with the instructions that a copy of the 'contract' within referred to and separate report of the alleged breach of contract be forwarded. The Asst Supt will aid the complainant "Ross" in reference to his attempt to have the assault and battery punished by the county authorities and make report of the result. He will also advise the complainant to apply in the first instance to the civil tribunals in reference to the breach of contract and the damages thence arising.  the result of which will also be fully reported.
By order of Maj Genl J.M. Schofield Asst Commr
Garrick Mallery
Lt Col V.C.R. & Inspector

Schaffer S.C.
Lt Asst Supt

Rec'd back Aug 22/66
Adjt Genl's Office
Columbus Aug 14/55
Respectfully returned to Genl Thos M Vincent AAG with the information that the present address of Col geo. W.Skiles. late Maj 88" ohio bols & Bvt Col of Vols is Uniontown Pa.
sg'd B.R. Cowen
Adjt. Genl Ohio
Sherwood G.Pp
Capt and supt

Buresu RF&AL
H'd Qrs Asst Commr Sta Va
Richmond Va Aug 22.66
Respectfully returned to Lt S.C. Schaffer Asst Supt thro Capt G.P. Sherwood Supt 8th Dist
By order of Maj Genl J.M. Schofield Asst Commr
Garrick Mallery
Lt Col V.R.C.&Inspector
The first endorsement was not recorded in this book.

Potomac Dept of
Rec'd back Aug 23.66
Bureau RF&AL
Fincastle Va Aug 18/66

Respectfully returned to R.G. Lacy Supt with report. Joung Hinkle picked up the Gov't mule after Genl Hunter's raid and kept it until after the surrender. 
When Capt Eastman was assigned to this county as Asst Pro Mar. he took the mule from Hinkle as he had no use for it) and turned it over to the Hines to assist him in making a crop. Young Hinkle is living with his father who has several Govt houses in his possession now. But they don't seem to be satisfied with them.  The person that wrote the enclosed letter is a young lawyer of this place and is trying to make a business our of those cases. He is prosecuting a suit in court against a man similar to this one now.
Sg'd B.F. Sharman
Bvt Capt V.R.C Asst supr

Sherman B.F. 
Bvt Capt & Asst Supt

Bureau Refugees Freedmen &c
H'd Qrs Asst Commr Sta Va
Richmond Va Aug 23/66

Respectfully returned to Bob Briglsend S.F. Chalfire AAG Dept Potomac inviting attention to the endorsement of Bvt Capt B.F. Sherman Asst Supt
By order of Maj Genl J.M. Schofield Asst Commr
James Bates