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0004 1st To Captain Flippo's Caroline Co Va 29th March 1866 Sir - I have just received per Captain John O Wenger yours of the 26th inst addressed to me as President of the board of Overseers of the Poor for Caroline Co Va, and asking an immediate answer to the following interrogatories which I will answer in the order in which they come. - 1st - Will your Board undertake to provide for the maintenance or assistance of destitute colored persons having a settlement in your county in the same manner as destitute white persons are provided for. Answer - The Board will do so - The overseers are sworn officers and the Virginia Code of 1860 - Ch 51 Sec 5 page 293 - so directs 2 What will be the extent & character of such maintenance or assistance! Anwer - That depends upon the circumstance - as of each case - Some require but little assistance others much more. In