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war - home [[strikethrough]] during [[/strikethrough]] the present year from good homes and employment and are now able to support themselves.  The demand for any class of labor, is so great, that almost any person - black or white - can find a home, if they are disposed.  I have observed too, that first in proportion as you make provision for increased numbers of paupers, first in proportion do they increase.  

If you will let it be understood that the Government of the United States designed to keep all persons - white or black - who are unable to maintain themselves or family - I venture to predict the number of applicants for aid would be, at least four-fold, within the next thirty days & would continue to increase, until a large proportion of the people, not only of this State but of all the States would become paupers.  Industry & private business hence can do much more, for the true relief of the needy, than can any Government.  The disposition of my citizens, I am sure, is to aid all the poor whether white or black.

Very Respectfully
Your Obdt servt
Thos. S. Welch.