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Capt. Crandon
To the several interrogations proposed and to me as Chairman of the Bureau of Overseer of the poor of this County of Madison, I Submit answers as follows.
Quest. 1. Will your Board undertake to provide for the maintenance of destitute Colored persons having a Settlement in your County in the same manner as destitute White men are provided for?
Ans - AT the last meeting of the Board of Overseers of the county. White convened in Sept. last, it was believed by the Board that the Class of persons referenced in the question would be provided for by a different authority from that by which the Board was acting and therefore, the policy of the Board on that particular branch of the Subject of your inquirer was not determined on except for the present year, and I have no means in any power by which I can say with any degree of certainty what will be the policy of the Board for the future, I mean by that after the expiration of the present fiscal year.
Question 2nd - What will be the extent and character of such support, maintenance or assistance?
Ans: This question for the present year at least is pretty well answered in the reply to the first question as that class of persons were not considered when the estimates for the support of the poor were made no funds for that purpose where placed in the hands of the Overseers for that purpose, and they have no authority or means of procuring any additional funds for the present year.