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but in cases of extreme necessity we would be disposed to make some arrangement for their relief out of our scanty means.
Questions 3rd. In what manner will the relief be afforded.?
Ans: The only relief which could be afforded by the Board at present, would be to supply them with such necessaries as could be afforded. There is now no asylum or Poor House in the county for indigent persons of any class; The Poor House having become uninhabitable.
Question 4th Will you provide for all destitute freedmen? If not for what proportion will you make provisions?
Ans. For answer, to this query you are referred to the forgoing answers.
5th Question - What rule of action do your Board propose for its own Government on the entire subject of Colored persons?
Ans. The only characters in which that class of persons can be considered by the Board as such is that of indigent persons seeking relief, and as yet, the Board has not indicated what may be its future action. The board is the creature of the State law and institutions and will be bound to conform to the same. 

Yours very Respectfully
Wm K. Keen Agent of the          }
Board of Overseer of the Poor of }
Madison County

March 29th 1866