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[[?]], but feel justified in saying that the overseers of the poor asking in its behalf are achieving by sentiments similar to those I have expressed for my board, but in as much as there has been an unusual influx of freedmen into the corporation from surrounding counties I think it doubtful where at present the people can well meet all demands the destitute may make on its means - and consequently help may lie near from the Federal Government - 

Of one thing we can speak with certainty, every thing humanity & justice may require within an ability to come up, to will be done to elevate & make contented & comfortable the freedmen who have been thrown upon us for support, protection & education. 

I am very respectfully
Your Obt Servt
H.H. Peck President of the Board of Overseer of the poor of A. Co.

Transcription Notes:
---------- Reopened for Editing 2024-04-18 16:13:20