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Flowing Springs, Jeff. Co.
March 31st 1866

Major How
Supt. Bureau Freedmen &c


Your communication of the 26th Inst. was duly received, and I now cheerfully reply to the questions propounded in regard to the maintenance of, and assistance rendered to, destitute colored people, by the overseers of the poor of this county.

To your first question I answer that, at their last annual meeting, the Board of overseers did not adopt any formal plan for the accommodation of freedmen, it being understood that, as in former time, destitute free people of color would be received in the poor house, and provided for.  That understanding has, therefore, been carried out during the past year, and all were taken in who were objects of charity

2'dly the character of the maintenance consists of house, room, fuel, clothing and medical attention when sick.  Our buildings are not very extensive, but we have heretofore been able to accommodate all who applied for admission.

As the free population has increased, no doubt the

Transcription Notes:
propound: to put forward or offer for consideration, acceptance, or adoption; set forth; propose: to propound a theory. ---------- Reopened for Editing 2024-04-18 10:38:14