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Poore House of Campbell April 2nd 1866
Capt. R S Lacey

Dear Sir
You ask will the Board of Overseers undertake to provide for the maintenance or assistance of destitute coloured persons having a Settlement in this County in the same manner as is provided for the destitute of white persons. We answer in the affirmative, and will provide for both white and black paupers, as far as our ability will enable us so to do. You further ask, what will be the extent and character of such maintenance or assistance? We can not provide for the care and support of any more paupers at this time, as our rooms are filled to their full capacity. You again ask what rule of action we propose for the Government of coloured paupers. We intend to be governed by the same rule that governs us in the case of white paupers, you request that we state the exact rate at which all the several taxes are assessed.  We answer by saying, that the tax on real and personal property has nothing to do with supporting the paupers, they are exclusively supported by a capitation tax which will be assessed as as the number of Tythes in the County are ascertained

Respectfully Submited 
By Order of the Board
C.A. Holcomby