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Bureau Refugees Freedman and Abandoned Lands
Office Asst Supt Princess Anne County
Princess Anne April 3rd. 1866

Capt A. S. Flagg AQM
Supt 1st Dist of Va.

I have the honor to report that I presented "Circular No 12 H'd Qrs Asst Commr for Va. dated March 21st. 1866" on the 2nd. inst: to a full court sitting at Princess Anne C.H. that it was courteously received by them and as the Board of Overseers met the same day the Circular was referred to that Board, and answers made to the questions, which I forward herewith Marked "A". I found that neither the Court or Board of Overseers had official notice of the passage by the Legislature of Virginia of the act taxing all colored male persons - that no assessment had been made for the year 1866, and that on the new basis a large reduction in the rate of Poll tax would be practicable. When the assessment is made I will forward the particulars. I respectfully report that I asked the Board of Overseers another question viz: "What term of residence gives the person "a settlement" in Princess Anne Co?" to which the Board replied "Two (2) years; which two (2) years will be calculated from August 1865, at which time civil law was established in Princess Anne Co".- Consequently none of the colored paupers brought from other counties of states and scattered from Government farms, are entitled to relief from Princess Anne Co, but will be returned to the places of former residence and settlement. I beg further to report that a disposition was manifested both by Court and the Board of Overseers to do whatever lay in their 

Transcription Notes:
---------- Reopened for Editing 2024-04-20 10:37:38 its AQM for Assistant Quarter Master ---------- Reopened for Editing 2024-04-20 11:14:42