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Bureau Refugees Freedmen and Abandoned Lands
Head Quarters Asst Commr State of Virginia 
Richmond Virginia March 21st 1866 

Circular No.12.

I The Superintendents of the Bureau in this state will at once communicate in writing with each Board of Overseers of the Poor in the Counties and towns providing for their own poor, within their respective Districts, and obtain from those Boards if possible clear and distinct written answers in relation to the following Viz:

1st will the Boards undertake to provide for the maintenance, or assistance of destitute colored persons having a settlement in the respective town or County in the same manner as is provided for destitute white persons?

To question 1st. The board of overseers for the County of Princess Ann make no allowance for any pauper white or black coming into this County from another County, Town or State being precluded from so doing by sections 7 & 8 Chapter 50 code of Va.

2nd What will be the extent and character of such maintenance or assistance, and if it cannot be provided for all destitute colored persons, for what proportion will the Board undertake to provide?

To 2nd question. The Board will make no allowance for out door poor whether white or black and this has been a rule of the board of overseers of this County for many years before the war.

3rd What rule of action does the Board propose for their own government on the whole subject of colored paupers?

To 3rd question. Colored paupers from and raised in Princess Ann Co will be sent to the poor house and there be placed in an apartment or building specially provided for them and there be treated like other paupers.

Transcription Notes:
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