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Answer 1st Question. We acknowledge the status of the "negro" we recognize him as a "person" not equal to ourselves but as a "person" and hence we consider that he comes under the law which governs our proceedings, and feel bound to the extent of our ability to provide for the destitute colored populations of our County having legal settlement therein.

Answer to 2nd Question. The maintenance and assistance which we shall afford the destitute colored persons will be the same as that afforded to white paupers, and we shall expect to provide for all destitute persons who may be considered worthy, legally resident of this County.

Answer to 3rd Question. The rule which the Board proposes for its government in respect to colored paupers will be the same rule which it has heretofore, and which it will hereafter adopt, in relation to white paupers (except as to social intercourse).

Answer to 4th Question: The tax "poll" or County levy on "persons" has not yet been assessed it is expected to be so assessed in the month of June next we of course cannot now say what its amount will be - that however imposed upon white males, will only be imposed upon colored males, the state tax upon real estate is 14¢ upon every $100 assessed value thereof, that upon "persons" above the age of twenty one years (not exempt from taxation for bodily infirmity) is 28¢ and that on personal estate 14¢ upon every $100 assessed value thereof.

The disposition of the County we believe to be to accept in good faith the present issues before us, our ability (tho' much crippled) we hope may be found equal to the support of such destitute colored persons as it may be found necessary for the board to provide for. We will add however, that we do not, cannot expect that the County or local tax imposed upon colored "persons" will be paid in whole - indeed we very much fear that scarcely a moiety of

Transcription Notes:
4.19.2024 - "moiety" = "a part or portion, especially a lesser share." ---------- Reopened for Editing 2024-04-20 14:05:24