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Bureau of RF and AL
Office of the A. Supt.
County of Fauquier Va
Warrenton Va May 14th/66

Maj James Johnson V.R.C. &
Supt 10th Va Dist
Fredericksburg Va

I have the honor in compliance with Circular No 18 dated Hd Qrs Asst Commr. State of Va Richmond Va 8th May /66 to report that I have had but one case of destitution (white) reported to me since I have had charge of the affairs and that was the case of Mr McLeary which was I believe referred to Genl Terry  The man has since that time died from the effects of a heavy fall  I have no  cases of suffering whites to report at present.
In relation to Par 2 of same circular I will say that there are no cases as yet come under my observation either of white or black, who are not able to provide the necessary seed for planting  There was considerable corn raised in this county last season. I am Maj Very Respty
Your obt servt
W. Augs MacNulty
2nd Lieut V.R.C. and Asst Supt
Freedmen &c

Transcription Notes:
---------- Reopened for Editing 2024-04-22 11:42:20