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Supplementary Report of destitute and suffering white citizens in the Sub. Dist. of Madison Co Va. who are not receiving relief from the civil authorities

[[3 columned table]]
| Names | Age | Remarks |
| --- | --- | --- |
| Sally Clark | 85 | To old to earn her subsistence |
| Doshe Ronalt | 60 | Helpless and blind |
| Virinda Grayson | 56 | Unable to work through ill health |
| Mrs Edward Corbin | 26 | Is subject to Fits |
| Elisabeth Nicholson | 60 | Infirm and destitute |
| Emma Holder | 75 | Infirm and destitute |
| Wm Nicholson | 71 | Infirm and destitute |
| Margaret Jenkins | 80 | Infirm and destitute |
| Lemuel Bais | 65 | Infirm and destitute |
| James Hunley | 18 | Sick and unable to work |
| Marshall Blankenbecker | 30 | Very destitute and three small children |
| James Blankenbecker | 7 | Son of Martha A Blankenbecker |
| Francis Blankenbecker | 5 | Son of Martha A Blankenbecker |
| Thos. Blankenbecker | 3 | Son of Martha A Blankenbecker |

The above names were received too late for my first Report

Very respy. your obt. servt
Saml. W Carpenter
Capt. 16th Reg. V.R.C. and Asst. Supt.