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[[4 columned table]] 
| No. of Case | On whom committed | By whom committed | Brief of Case | 
| --- | --- | --- | --- | 
| 40 | Magee, George Alias Burrell, George (Col'd) | Civ. Authorities | Charged with stealing Tobacco & found guilty by Jury, altho' alibi was proven; sentenced to 1 yrs in Penitentiary - New trial granted. Admitted to Bail. | 
| 41 | Four women (Col'd) | Schofield, John (White) | Women in their own house singing - Schofield entered; ordered them to stop they refused - He commenced beating them. Wounded one, with knife - was fined $15.00 & let go, without reproof, a caution from Court. | 
| 42 | Johnson, Beverly (Col'd) | Civ. Authorities | Charged with stealing meat - sentenced to Penitentiary for 1 yr - Proved he was at home, all night. A relative of Johnson's, living with him, was concerned in the robbery - some of the meat found in Johnson's garden. | 
| 43 | School House (Col'd) | Unknown | Burned. | 
| 44 | Meeting of Freedmen. | White Men | Breaking up of political meeting of Colored Men. No one hurt. | 

[[4 columned table]]
| No of case | On whom committed | By whom committed | Brief of case. | 
| --- | --- | --- | --- | 
| 45 | Meeting of Freedmen | Col. O'Farrell, W.W. Scott & others | Breaking up of intended meeting. Followed and surrounded by white men. No one hurt. | 
| 46 | Crump, George (Col'd) | Civ Authorities | Convicted of house breaking. Sentenced to 18 Mos. in penitentiary. Case not treated impartially | 
| 47 | White, Virginia (Col'd) | Brander, W.H. (white) | Struck three times with a stick of wood, and shot at. Was going to Well on Brander's lot, as was her custom. Plaintiff put under bonds to keep the peace. D'f'd't. discharged. | 
| 48 | Freedpeople | Men (White) | Houses entered by a band of men - Treated in a vile & rude manner; "punched" with guns &c | 
| 49 | Coles, Scott (Col'd) | Terry Bobbett & son. | Bobbett commenced a quarrell with Coles - struck him with stick &c. Coles stooped to pick up a rock; a son of Bobbett jumped on him & cut him with a knife. The Bobbetts bound over in the sum of $100, & Coles & Albert Wilson cold. bound over in sum of $50.00