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[[4 columned table]] 
| No of Case | On whom committed | By whom committed | Brief of case. | 
| --- | --- | --- | --- | 
| 50 | Flag pole | Young men (white) | Attempt to burn a flag Staff in front of residence of Mr. Tafley, Asst. Assessor, U.S. Int. Rev. | 
| 51 | Colored Man | Patrol (white) | Arrested in Public road, because he had 1 1/2 Bush. of Corn. Took the corn from him, without a Warrant of arrest. | 
| 52 | Johnson, James S.A.C. (white) | "Fredericksburg News." | Editorial containing vile abuse of Jas. Johnson, S.A.C. | 
| 53 | Jones, Patron and others (Col'd) | Citizens (white) | Jones shot. - Murdered - Assault on Col'd people -  One Wren tried before Hastings Ct. Acquitted, altho' evidence was very strong. | 
| 54 | Lewis, John (Col'd) | Doswell, Robert white | Murdered by striking on back of head by hoe - Doswell bailed for $2000. | 
| 55 | Union Man (white) | Disguised man | Taken from his house and dragged all over the neighborhood - | 
| 56 | Turner, Lewis (Col'd) | Civ. Authorities (white) | Arrested without warrant on ch'ge of theft ag's't. Henry Boyd - Armed himself with a pistol which Civ. Aut. confiscated Proved alibi - Case dismissed - Turner made to pay costs. | 

[[4 columned table]]
| No of case | On whom committed | By whom committed | Brief of Case | 
| --- | --- | --- | --- | 
| 57 | Giles, Peter (Col'd) | Civ. Authorities (white) | One Martin shot & killed a hog of Peter Giles' valued at $20.00 - Giles procured a Warrant - parties summoned to appear before Morgan, J.P., who, without investigation dismissed the case, with costs upon Giles. | 
| 58 | Woman (Col'd) | Morgan - Jus. Peace | Morgan violently assaulted a colored woman-: tried the case himself; put the woman in Jail - Discharged her - Notified her husband to pay costs. | 
| 59 | Party of men & women (Col'd) | Unknow person | Peaceably returning from church - Two pistol shots fired from upper window Co. Clks. Office - No one hurt | 
| 60 | Daughter of Wesley Edwards (Col'd) | Unknown persons (white) | Party of men, at night, threatened life of Edwards' wife, ravished his daughter &c | 
| 61 | Harper, Lizzie (Col'd) | Civ. Authorities | Q.M. Ruff, Mayor of Lexington, allowed & assisted at the escape of a student named [[?]], who attempted a rape of an aggravated character upon Lizzie Harper |      

Transcription Notes:
Unsure of name in the lower right hand side [[?]] ---------- Reopened for Editing 2024-05-10 13:01:11