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[[4 columned table]] 
| No. of Case | On whom committed | By whom committed | Brief of case. | 
| --- | --- | --- | --- |
| 62 | Frazer, Douglas A.S.A.C. (white) | Young Men white | Attacked & threatened. Presented his pistols. was allowed to pass unmolested. |
| 63 | Unknown (Col'd) | Unknown | Found, with skull fractured. |
| 64 | Reed, Wm (Col'd) | Staples, Geo. W. (white) | Shot. Staples hired Reed's wife - objected to the frequent visits of her husband, saying that it interfered with her duties. |
| 65 | Varner, Alvin (white) Snoddy, Anderson (col'd) | Men in disguise | Taken from bed, carried to gully, preparations made to hang him. Anderson Snoddy taken with Varner and while being flogged, Varner escaped. Several shots fired after him. |
| 66 | Lewis, W.W. (white) | Civ. Authorities | Sentenced to 7 yrs. in Penitentiary for inciting col'd people to insurrection. |
| 67 | Crawford, David (col'd) | Reese, R.F. (white) | In March, last, Reese attacked Crawford with a gun, halting him, demanding to see what was in his pocket. Crawford wrested gun from Reese and struck him with it. Reese stabbed Crawford dangerously, then had him arrested & confined in jail. |

[[4 columned table]] 
| No. of Case | On whom committed | By whom committed | Brief of case. | 
| --- | --- | --- | --- |
| 68 | Davis, Albert (col'd) | Payne, Alfred  Payne, John  Payne, Jacob (white) | Assaulted, left in a dying condition. Paynes arrested. Bailed in the sum of $50.00 each. Case to come up at Sept. Court. Davis recovering. |
| 69 | Jones, Simon (col'd) | Basham, Jno. O. Con. & Dep. Sher. (white) | Assault on Jones by Basham, with a stick, for carrying a letter to him, from Mr. Kimball asking for explanation of Basham refusing Jones a license to keep a candy store. |
| 70 | Several colored persons & two white persons | Lewis, Henry and others (col'd) | Riot at Drummondtown. Attack on blacks by whites - several wounded. |
| 71 | Smith, Henry col'd | Binns, Fleming (white) | In May last, at a "fish fry" after angry words, Binns threw a piece of iron at Smith causing instant death. Arrested, bailed in sum of $1,500. Tried and acquitted. |
| 72 | Lee, Arthur col'd | Three, or four persons (unknown) | Taken from his bed at night & beaten to death. Efforts, fruitless, to find murderers. |
| 73 | Roberts, Morton and others (col'd) | Civ. Authorities | Nelson Rossen (col'd) instigated by whites, commenced an action against Morton Roberts et als for damages at $10.000 for alleged assault committed on him by them. |

Transcription Notes:
---------- Reopened for Editing 2024-05-10 15:31:49 Converted to 4-column table format and numerous other changes.