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[[9 columned table]]
| No of case | On whom committed | White or colored | By whom committed | White or colored | Where | When | By whom reported | Character of the outrage and action in the case. | 
| --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- |

| 9 | Colored man and School House | colored | Ku Klux Klan | White | Warrenton, Va | 1868 April 4th | Morton Havens A.S.A.C. | L.84, R.F&A.L, Va, 1868, dated April 7th 1868. Beating of colored man in his house at midnight, with pistols &c. Breaking into colored school House and committing outrages therin. Civil Authorities aware of organization but take no measures to stop it. Forwarded April 13th 1868, to Col. Chalfin, A.A. Genl 1st Mil: Dist, Va. | 
| 10 | Burns, John | colored | Civil Authorities |   | Lexington, Va | 1868. April | Douglas Frazar A.S.A.C. | L.103. R.F&A.L, Va, 1868, dated April 19th 1868. Reports sentence of Burns to 16 years in Penitentiary for burglary, with attempt to commit rape on a daughter of R.J. Echols. Evidence shows no proof of guilt, and case appears to have been gotten up by the friends of the girl to clear her from guilt in the eyes of the community. | 
|   |   |   |   |   |   |   | Douglas Frazar A.S.A.C. | L.104, R.F&A.L, Va, 1868, dated April 22d 1868. Forwards clipping from newspaper about the above case, written by local editor, who was one of the counsel for defense - L.103 & 104, Forwarded to Col. S.F Chalfin A.A. Genl, 1st Mil Dist. "soliciting such action as will secure justice in this case." | 
|   |   |   |   |   |   |   | O. Brown Asst Comr | L.S. 428. R.F&AL, Va, 1868, dated July 9th 1868. Addresses Gov: Wells, stating that he has been "informed that the record and papers "in the case have been recently returned "to you by the Maj: Genl Comdg this Dist. "for your "future acton"." After a review of the case, the Asst: Comr hopes that | 
