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[[9 columned table]]
| No of case | On whom committed | white or colored | By whom committed | White or colored | Where | When | By whom reported | Character of outrage and action in the case. |
| --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- |
| 19. | Freedman |   | Civil authorities |   | Fluvanna Co Va | 1868 Apl or May | E. C. Morse A.S.A.C. | Report under Cir: 10, for mo: ending May 30st 1868. Freedman confined in Jail as a supposed fugitive from Justice in Richmond. Jailor had no mittimus — and stated that officer who brought prisoner told him that Justice Clark had committed him. Justice Clark said he had issued a warrant but the prisoner had not been before him and he knew nothing about it. Prisoner discharged. |

| 20 | Howard, York | colored | Walker, Charles | colored | Port Royal Caroline Co Va | 1867 October | F. S. Tukey ASAC | Report under Cir: 10, for mo ending May 31st/68. Reports murder of York by Walker and acquittal of the murderer — Political quarrel the cause. Howard was formerly a U.S. soldier. Walker a conservative negro — which facts were dwelt upon by the defendents attorney. 

|   |   |   |   |   |   | W. A. Coulter A.A.A.G. | L.S. 366. R F & A Ld, Va, 1868. dated June 4th 1868. Addresses Jas Johnson S.A.C and directs him to bring matter to notice of Mil: Comr, if proper, after personal investigation. | 

| 21 | Griffin, Ceasar | colored | Civil Authorities |   | Lexington, Va | 1868 May | Douglas Mazar A.S.A.C. | Report under Cir: 10, for mo. ending May 31st 1868. Griffin arrested for shooting a son of Judge Brockenborough, and confined in Jail. Bail for $600 required in face of the perfect health of the boy shot. Believes the boy Griffin guiltness and the shooting done in self defense. Note. No subsequent report has been received |

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