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[[9 columned table]]
| No of case | On whom committed | White or colored | By whom committed | White or colored | Where | When | By whom reported | Character of outrage and action in the case. | 
| --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- |

| 24 | Barbour, Chas. W. | colored | Charles Chamberlain Frederick Boyer | }white | Newtown, Va | 1868 Jany 18th | J.A. McDonnell S.A.C. | Report under Cir: 6, for mo: ending Jany 31st/68. Reports shooting of Barbour in back by Boyer, on his attempting to escape from Boyer and Chamberlain. The horse being ridden by Boyer was taken off by the two men - A warrant was issued for their arrest, they having fled, were pursued some distance, and their pursuit abandoned - It is believed they are in the Mountains. | 
|   |   |   |   |   |   |   | J.A. McDonnell S.A.C. | Report under Cir: 6, for mo: ending Feb: 29th 1868. Reports Boyer and Chamberlain still at large, and it is not known that the Civil Authorities are using any further efforts to arrest them - It is said the culprits are endeavoring to compromise the matter with the Freedman | 
| 25 | Holden, Jim | colored | John. J. Joines | whites | Pungoteague Va | 1868 February | G.P. Sherwood Lt & A.S.A.C | Report under Cir: 6, for month ending Feb: 29th 1868. Reports shooting of Holden by Joines the former having refused to leave the latters kitchen when ordered to do so - That he (Lt. Sherwood) caused the arrest of Joines, who was bound over to appear at March term of Court, with surities in the sum of $500 - | 
| 26 | Freedman |   | Civil Authorities |   | Smythe Co, Va | 1868 Feby 14th | W.P. Austin S.A.C. | A. 188. R.F&AL. Va, dated June 20th 1868. E.H. Earheart (white) charged with stabbing and cutting, with attempt to kill a colored man, was found not guilty altho: the evidence was most positive to