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[[9 columned table]] 
| No of case | On whom committed | White or colored | By whom committed | White or colored | Where | When | By whom reported | Character of the outrage and action on the case. | 
| --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- |
|   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   | assumption of authority and resented. After some words Doswell struck Lewis on back of head with a hoe, from which he died almost instantly. A coroners inquest was called, and brought a verdict that the deceased came to his death substantially as above stated; but that the deed was committed "without malice or premeditation." A preliminary trial was held before Justice J.A. Smith, who committed the accused to bail in the sum of $2000. Forwarded to Hd Qrs 1st Mil. Dist Aug 22d 1868 requesting arrest of Robert Boswell by the Military Authorities. Referred from Hd Qrs 1st Mil: Dist. Aug 22d/68. To Attorney Genl Ste of Va, To know if the offence is bailable - Returned to Mil: Head Qrs by Atty General Stating that the offence in his opinion was bailable - Returned to Asst: Comr Agu 30th 1868. Inviting attention to endorsement of Attorney General Ste of Va - Filed | 
|   |   |   |   |   |   |   | Ira Ayer Jr A.S.A.C | Report under Cir: 6, for month endg Aug: 31st 1868. Reports further on Doswell case, and encloses certified copy of verdict of Coroner's Jury, by Clerk of County Ct. | 
|   |   |   |   |   |   |   | Ira Ayer Jr ASAC. | H. 345, R.F&A.L, Va, dated Decr 11th 1868. Submits report in case of Robert Doswell, giving evidence adduced to show that Doswell was insane, and upon which plea was acquitted - Filed. | 
|   |   |   |   |   |   |   | W.A. Coulter AAA Genl | L.S. 813. RF&AL. Va, dated Decr 17th 1868. Addresses Ira Ayer Jr ASAC and calls for report of full names of Justices trying this case, and their disqualification, if any, under the 14th amendment to the Constitution of the US - | 

see preceeding page 

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---------- Reopened for Editing 2024-05-11 12:06:33