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[[9 columned table]] 
| No of case | On whom committed | White or colored | By whom committed | White or colored | Where | When | By whom reported | Character of outrage and action in the case. | 
| --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- |
| 80 | Parham, S. | Colored | Blick, Armstead | White | Dinwiddie, Co Va | 1868 Oct 30 | J. R. Stone S.A. Comr | Report under Cir 10, for mo. endg Oct 31st 1868. Encloses letter addressed to Col. T.S. Dunn, Military Commissioner, reporting that Parham alleges that as he was passing Blick's house in Dinwiddie, Blick who had a grudge against him came out with a gun and deliberately shot him in the head. Not a word passed between them. A warrant was issued but no officer would serve it |
|   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   | J. R Stone S.A.C. | Report under Cir 6, for mo: end: Nov 30th/68. Reports that Blick has not been arrested. Mil. Comr seems reluctant to enforce justice, has again verbally called his attention to case, and he promises to see to the arrest of Blick. |
| 81 | Cash, Jacob | Colored | Snead, James | White | Bedford Co Va | 1868 Nov 1st | I.F. Wilcox A.S.A.C. | Report under Cir 10, for mo: end. Nov 30th, 1868. Encloses copy of letter addressed to the Military Commissioner at Lynchburg, Va, stating the Grand Jury of Bedford Co Court, failed to find a true bill against Snead for the the murder of Cash. It appears that Cash, and a colored man named Gardner, had a "row" on board a canal boat on which Snead was a passenger. that Snead told Cash to hush to his damned noise or he would make him; Cash replied that the boat did not belong to him (Snead) that he was only a passenger, that he (Cash) was not afraid of him or any other damned man; Whereupon Snead took up a hatchet and threw it at Cash, hitting him and causing him to fall off the boat into the water with |


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