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[[5 Columned Table]]
| Date of Report | Subject | County | Dist | Folio |
| --- | --- | --- | --- | --- |
| 1866 |   |   |   |   |
|   | asks for 2 non commissioned officers & 10 men - reports display of a Rebel Flag in Suffolk on July 4th by an Episcopal Clergy man named Williams - Also that on Sunday night the house of a negro named Ballard living near windsor Isle of Wight Co was broken into - he was shot probably fatally - his child was also wounded and his wife whipped - also it has been reported that a negro was shot in  Isle of Wight Co on the morning of 4th of July - this needs confirmation | Nansemond | 1st | 18 |
|   |   | Isle of wight | 1st | 19 |
|   |   | Isle of wight | 1st | 19 |
|Mch 12 | Asst Supt of Lunenburg Co reports that a freedman carried a notice to a citizen to appear at Freedmans court and settle a claim Citizen attempted to drag him into the woods - Negro broke away and was fired at three times also six dogs set on his track by citizen, - | Lunenburg | 2nd | 21 | 
| May 1st | Reports of the burning of three colored churches at Petersburg Va - Freed people much exited - | Dinwiddie | 2nd | 21 | 
| Apl 6th | Asst. Supt. of Lunenburg Co reports that Chester Stokes (Col'd) who was shot at, and hounds set upon his track, went to a magistrate who issued a warrant for the arrest of Stokes (white), and fixed a time for hearing the case,- when the time arrived the plaintiff did not appear - Affidavit of Chester Stokes colored which shows why he did | Lunenburg | 2nd | 22 | 

Transcription Notes:
---------- Reopened for Editing 2024-04-24 13:53:33 "this needs confirmation" add s "Negro broke away on" remove on ---------- Reopened for Editing 2024-04-24 15:26:54