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[[5 Columned Table]]
| Date of Report | Subject | County | Dist | Folio |
| --- | --- | --- | --- | --- |
| 1866 |   |   |   |   |
|     | by the mayor saying he was justified in firing | Henrico | 3rd | 49 |
| July 8 | Supt 3rd District reports that a Mrs Coleman (col'd) was brought to his office in a cart. having been struck on the back of the head with an axe and her left eye badly hurt - The attack was made on her by John. B. Anderson & Son (white) The Supt. and Asst. Supt. arrested the father but the son escaped. | Henrico | 3rd | 51 | 
| Mch 31 x | Reports the acquittal of Joseph Parker (white) tried for the murder of a Freedman named Roberts- Another report on the above case | Rappahannock do | 4th do | 52 53 | 
| Apl 21 x | Reports the acquittal of James Quisenbury (white) tried for the murder of Washington Green (colored) | Louisa | 4th | 55 | 
| Apl 24 | Reports the trial of some Freedmen charged with threatening the life of one Mayor Saunders It was not proven that the prisoners threatened Mayor Saunders life,- the prisoners had no witnesses - | Essex | 4th | 59 | 
| May 12 | Reports that a Freedman had a citizen named Winfield J. Coons arrested on a warrant for Assault & Battery,- The Magistrates did not allow the Plaintiff to be sworn but simply took his statement |   |   |   |

Transcription Notes:
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