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over and said "Shut up or I will break your dammed snout." and struck him in the breast.  Another soldier came up and all three jumped on him, and knocked him down and beat him.  He shook them off from him, and one said "I am cut."  Another said "I believe I am cut too".  They then all ran to the Provost Marshals, and two got guns, one got a pistol, and one came on horse back.  While they were gone Scott ran off.  They went to Mr Gillam's, where his wife lived, and searched the place.  Mr Gillam got a candle and said "This is my place you may search it, and if you find him kill him."  On Wed, about 11 o'clock I went to the Provost Marshall Office and saw them bring him in from Castle thunder.  They asked his wife "Did she know this cap and cravat." She said "they were her