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File Office Asst. Supt. King William Co. King William Court House April 30, 1866. Chance, John C. Lieut. and Asst. Supt. Reports, in compliance with Cir. No. 10 Hd Qrs Asst Comr that he has attended the trials before the Civil Courts and finds them disposesd to do the freedmen justice. nothing [[stamp]] STATE OF VIRGINIA BUREAU OF R.F. AND A.L. RECD. HD. QRS. ASST. COMMISSIONER MAY 5 1866[//stamp]] Recd. O.S. R.F. and A.L. 9th Dist Va 5.4.1866 Bureau R.F. and A.L. Hd Qrs 9th Dist Va Fort Monroe May 8 66 Respectfully forwarded S.C. Armstrong SUpt 9" Dist Va. E.B. 172, O.S. 9" Dist. R.F. and A.L. 5.4.1866