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Hd Qrs Asst Supt 8th Dist Va 
Marion Smith Co. Va
May 26th 1866

B.C. Carter
Bvt Maj AQM & Supt 8th Dist Va
I have the honor to report the following case to you, I Should wait untill the 25th of next month as my instructions require but I learn the man is going to leave the state 
On January last Wm H Jones a resident of this, Shot a colored woman named Rosanna the ball entering her arm at the elbow and passed down to the or near the hand. The circumstances were passed over by the people untill I came here. A complaint was then made to me by Mr Lincoln and one or two other gentlemen. After talking with some of the witnesses, I directed a magistrate to issue a warrant for Mr Jones, which was done and he then gave bail for his apperance at the County Court.