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Wise Farm
Princess Anne Co. Va.
July 31dt 1866
Captain Wm. Austin
Supt R. F. & A. L.
First Dist of Va.

In accordance with circular No 10. C.S. I have the honor to report that the courts in this county are open and in free operation. And that in reference to colored persons, when cases are brought before them, color against color, or white man against color, they are treated with all possible fairness and impartiality. And not particularly severe on the colored party. Where he is defendants.
But it seems to be the settled policy of the magistrates of this county to take no notice of complaints of colored persons against whites. They have refused in every instance when I have advised and send colored persons to them for redress, to few warrants for the arrest of a white party, but put them off telling them, that they cannot issue warrants for 